How to Sell Jewelry

Posted by Jewelry Info | 8:28 PM | 0 comments »

If you are a creative person, with a great sense of
style and flair, you may be able to start your own
business – making and selling jewelry wholesale.
Because people are so very unique, they want
jewelry pieces that are unique – one-of-a-kind
pieces that nobody else in the world owns! This
desire can make you quite a bit of money –
simply start your very own jewelry wholesale

You can easily order wholesale supplies from
hundreds of companies around the globe online –
at really low prices. It is important to keep up with
how much each part of each piece of jewelry costs
you, and to get a total cost of each piece, including
any expenses that you had for having supplies
shipped to you. With the total cost figured, you can
easily set your prices by adding 15% to the cost.

You can sell your pieces in a variety of ways. You
can open your own online wholesale jewelry store,
sell to local jewelry stores, rent booths at local flea
markets and fairs, or advertise your jewelry making
skills and take orders for unique pieces. You can
also sell your pieces on consignment at boutiques.

You want to be known for your quality. Always
select the highest quality gems and stones for your
pieces, and make sure that the craftsmanship is
outstanding. Become exclusive, and more people
will want to purchase your pieces – and never make
any two pieces alike.

However, you can also go the other route and make
hundreds of identical pieces, as they are ordered.
You do this by making one very unique, high quality
piece, and showing it to your local jewelry stores.
Ask them if they would like to order in bulk, then fill
the order.

Another option is to do catalog sales. Make enough
pieces to fill a small catalog, and take pictures of
each piece. Write a description for each piece and
then put together your own catalog using software
and a good printer – or send the work to a print
shop. You can send these catalogs out to a list
that you obtain from a direct mailing list company.

This type of business does require creativity and
skill, but it also requires the ability to market
yourself and your jewelry. You need to have
business cards printed, and also have catalogs and
brochures printed as well to market your jewelry
wholesale business.

Jewelry Wholesale Catalog

Posted by Jewelry Info | 8:27 PM | 0 comments »

So you want to sell your jewelry? Well, selling
jewelry wholesale is a big business, and you
definitely need a catalog of your offerings! Making
a catalog isn’t as difficult as you might think. First,
you have two options: an online catalog or a print
catalog. The choice is yours.

Overall, an online catalog is the least expensive
way to advertise your jewelry wholesale company –
but with all of the online jewelry stores and online
wholesalers, it may not be the most effective way
to make sales. A print catalog should strongly be
considered for a direct mailing.

If you make your own jewelry, you will need to get
good pictures of the jewelry – preferably laid on a
velvet setting. Black or blue velvet will bring out the
jewelry the most. You can take these pictures
yourself with a digital camera, or have a
professional take the photographs. It is cheaper to
do it yourself, of course.

Load the pictures up onto your computer, and use
publishing software, such as Microsoft Publisher to
design and layout your catalog. This may take a
little time and patience, but it is much cheaper than
having someone else do it.

Since you will need hundreds, if not thousands of
copies of your catalog, your best bet will be to save
the catalog on a CD and take it to a print shop that
can handle the job. This will cost money –
especially since the pages need to be glossy and
in color, and the catalog will need to be bound –
but this expense will be well worth it if you will be
doing a mass direct mailing.

In order to do a mass direct mailing, you simply
find a reputable company who either sells mailing
lists or does the mailing for you. You can actually
request lists of mailing addresses where the person
has expressed an interest in purchasing wholesale
jewelry – or any other criteria that you set. In most
cases, it is best to have the company handle the
mailing for you. They will get the best rates on the
mailing because they can use the bulk mail rate.

Make sure that you use a reputable printer, and a
reputable direct mail company! This is an investment
in the future of your business, and your jewelry
wholesale catalog needs to be perfect in every way –
and the mailing needs to go off without a hitch!

How to Clean Jewelry

Posted by Jewelry Info | 8:27 PM | 0 comments »

There are many different brands of jewelry cleaners
on the market today. Depending on how your
jewelry is made, these products may or may not be
safe for your jewelry wholesale! Before using
jewelry cleaner, take a good long look at the jewelry
and try to determine what it is made of.

First, any jewelry that has pieces glued on should
not be soaked in jewelry cleaner. Instead, use a
little Woolite mixed with water, and soak the piece
for just a couple of minutes. Remove the piece from
the mixture and dry it immediately – but gently –
with a soft cloth. Use a soft toothbrush to gently
scrub small crevices.

Avoid soaking pearls! They may come from the
ocean – but water from your tap may damage them.
Simply wipe the pearl with a damp cloth, then use
a polishing cloth to give it back its shine. Never
soak any of your jewelry overnight. It isn’t
necessary, and it may harm the jewelry wholesale.
Again, it is important to know what gems are used
in your jewelry, and how the piece was constructed
before determining how you will clean it.

Jewelry Wholesale Sources

Posted by Jewelry Info | 6:16 PM | 0 comments »

If you are in the jewelry business or thinking about
getting into the jewelry business, you need to find
jewelry wholesale sources. Finding these sources
isn’t as difficult as you might think – they are
everywhere, and if you have access to the Internet,
you literally have the world of jewelry wholesale at
your fingertips.

There are many wholesale company directories
available online, but you really don’t have to
purchase these to find the jewelry wholesale
companies. Instead, use the search engine and
type ‘jewelry wholesale companies’ or ‘jewelry
wholesale suppliers’ into the search box. This is
the easiest, and cheapest way to find jewelry
wholesale sources.

Start making a list of sources. You can do this on
notepad or in a spreadsheet. Keep up with which
company has the best prices on certain items,
shipping costs, contact information, and any other
information you may need in the course of doing

Don’t forget the online auctions, and remember that
eBay isn’t the only online auction either! Keep your
eyes open for great deals on jewelry, and make
bulk purchases when you can.